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Nipazen ''Solitude'' - brilliance can too be naive

Once before featured on our blog, Nipazen returns with a vibing new release entitled ''Solitude''. While some may associate being in one's own company as a lesser or unwelcoming social setup, it is an age old truth that solitude is the home to greatest ideas, as well as knowing oneself - a truth that reflects in Nipazen's music.

Relaxing at it's core, the composition sets afloat on gentle synth drones, enchanting vocals and an easing piano melody. Much like the accompanying video, the composition travels effortlessly across a beautiful landscape, taking in the surrounding beauty and then serenading about it. With dynamics and beautiful detail constantly lingering in the undemanding background, the track feels and sounds engaging and interesting all the way through.

There's something brilliantly naive about it, check it out:

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