Misha Mishenko is a Russian composer, multi-instrumentalist and sound producer presenting his new work from the "Parallels" album, entitled "56.4907° N, 4.2026° W".
"56.4907° N, 4.2026° W" this is the fifth track on the "Parallels" album. The composition follows its theme through piano and strings. The author fills the piece with an incredibly powerful energy that makes us shiver from the inside out thanks to the vibrations. The composition develops rapidly in the first half and continues after the "pit". The author manages to keep the listener in suspense throughout all four and a half minutes of the composition. Misha Mishenko has left a reference for us in the title and left the coordinates: 56.4907° N, 4.2026°, which refers us to Loch Tay Lake in the UK. In this way, the author sends us on an audio-journey.
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