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Lola Astanova "The Enchanted Carol (Carol of the Bells)": WHEN is epic?

What is epic? Who is epic? And most importantly... WHEN? When is epic? According to Lola Astanova from USA the most epic time of the year is the holiday season, a belief which was spared no expense making this baller of a production entitled "The Enchanted Carol".

From the early seconds, it is evident that we are dealing with money, piles of it. While I can't decide whether it was Lola herself or the doggos that wooed me more in the beginning, I was most certainly intrigued about it all. With the cinematic clock reaching midnight, Lola finds herself by a grand piano, which is in turn to be found on a floating piece of ice - DO YOU FEEL ME? We have barely started, you should know. With the densely dramatic and technically demanding arrangement evolving at speeds too rapid to tame, along with special visual effects beautifying the already stunning pianist, one may think it would be enough - and just how wrong one would be. Deeper into the dynamic build, we are now presented with three topless gentlemen, handy with violins, ripping it out on another floating piece of ice - DO YOU FEEL ME NOW? Now with the topless string trio venturing into a dance sequence, the pianist examining a shiny diamond, the special effects of all kinds of glimmers and lights and yes - the dramatically cinematic neoclassical arrangement literally bringing the house down - we are now throttling towards the inevitable end, full speed, light years past the point of no-return, god help us. Intended or not, the music and the video end quite abruptly and drama-free - perhaps a subtle statement to the sanity of the artists involved in an otherwise insane production.

While I'm having mixed feeling about this, two things are certain: it rocked my world and damn did the artist achieve the goal of "Simply put, we set out to create the most epic holiday instrumental recording ever..". So be it:


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