No short of masterful is the recent release by Jasmin Lacasse Roy, a Canadian guitarist who won our hearts with a track called "Melodyvagation".
Although played by one man and man only, the musical complexity along with the flawless and emotion-soaked delivery speaks volumes for the musical prowess of the owner of the fingers applied to the instrument. Written around a jazz core with intricate elements of folk and neoclassical, the track captivates the listener right from the start and doesn't stop to surprise for the entirety of its just over three minute runtime. Elegantly interchanging between a down-tempo/melodic and a fast-paced/arpeggio movements, the guitarist caresses the listener's ear with pure class that can only be manifested by a natural-born artist with years of experience.
An absolute guitar stunner worth anyone's attention, here's "Melodyvagation":
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