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Dá Påph "To:Me": Individualism spelled out on a piano.

Before we enjoy some peaceful music, I would like to draw yours, dear reader, attention to the destructive, murderous evil unleashed by Putin on the free world. Ukraine is currently shielding the rest of the world with courage, but also - unfortunately - innocent blood. Blood of not only thousands of troops and grown civilians, but also infants - over 50 children dead and over 800 injured - to be more specific. We at MDWYS, encourage you to show all and any support you can, be it monetary or informative to our war-ridden brothers and sisters. Here are some links you may find useful:


While I'm not the biggest fan of abstract, experimental piano compositions, I too come across an exception every now and again, such as this recently released marble by Dá Påph entitled "To:Me".

Individualistic from the get go and not catering to any particular genre, the composition stands out with its intricate melodic effort and a unique arrangement. Almost psychedelic, the piece shakes and bites but causes no pain while at it. The amount of character in this are quite unseen really.

What a courageous work of art:


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