What is music really for? As in, what does it do? You can't touch it, can you? And yet it seems to be the most on-demand intangible commodity in the world and there's a reason - it touches you. Without feelings we might as well let the machines run the whole show. These thoughts were brought to my mind while listening to the most charming piano endeavor by Brother James x John Arndt entitled "I'm Never Gonna Let Her Go".
The piece takes richly from the giants of neoclassical, compositionally landing in between mr. Amadeus and mr. Frederik. Playful like Mozart's creations and turbulent like the one's from Chopin, the piano charms you with it's loving, sincere intent all the while entertaining your ear with an ever-evolving theme. There is no doubt as to the amounts of inspiration the composer was consumed by while creating this piece - it is truly soaked in appreciation for life, love and all things good. Highly technical and rich in dynamics the entirety of the piece is delivered effortlessly and with confidence - a real keeper in the genre.
We read that the melody was recently used by the composer to successfully propose to a certain Joy Martin. We would like to congratulate the newly engaged couple, as well as invite you to listen to this keeper of a piano piece:
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