Alam Khan belongs to perhaps the most prestigious dynasty in Indian classical music. Son of the legendary sarod Maestro Ali Akbar Khan, Alam has been touching the hearts of audiences worldwide for many years, performing and recording both contemporary and Indian classical music.
His recent release ''Hindol Hem'' speaks volumes for his reputation. It is a 12 minute long journey played on what sounds like a sitar, or a similar instrument of Asian origin and is no short of pure genius. As meditative as it can possibly get, the music sounds mostly improvised, all the while each phrase and nuance is rich in musicality and expression - the kind of stunt only a true master can pull off. The soloing instrument rests on a distant background of chanting strings, which lays a beautiful carpet for the rest of the music to rest upon. The music is ideal for meditation, relaxing as well as pure listening - it is truly universal.
You have got to treat yourself to this chunk of genius at the link below: